Battering Intervention

The Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) is a psychoeducational program designed for male offenders of intimate partner violence. Participants are most commonly referred by the court system, including Probation, Parole, judges, specific courts, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS or APS), or their attorneys. In rare cases, individuals may self-refer, choosing to enter the program voluntarily without a formal requirement from any external entity. Family Support Services also offers BIPP classes for Spanish speakers.

BIPP is an 18-24 week program requiring weekly attendance. Active participation is mandatory, and individuals must take accountability for their past violent and harmful actions. To begin the program, an intake and orientation with the Program Coordinator are required to assess eligibility. This is an in-person group, and virtual sessions are not available at this time.

For enrollment or further information, please contact FSS at 806-342-2500.

Intake:  $25 (24 weeks), $30 (18 weeks)

Orientation: $25 (24 weeks), $30 (18 weeks)

Per Session Fee:  $25 (24 weeks), $30 (18 weeks)

The Women's Anger & Violence Program (WAV) is a psychoeducational program designed for female offenders of intimate partner violence. Participants are most commonly referred by the court system, including Probation, Parole, judges, specific courts, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS or APS), or their attorneys. In rare cases, individuals may self-refer, choosing to enter the program voluntarily without a formal requirement from any external entity.

WAV is an 18-week program requiring weekly attendance throughout its duration. Active participation is mandatory, and individuals must take accountability for their past violent and harmful actions. To begin the program, an intake, and orientation with the Program Coordinator are required to assess eligibility. This is an in-person group, and virtual sessions are not available at this time.

For enrollment or further information, please contact FSS at 806-342-2500.

Intake:  $30

Orientation: $30

Per Session Fee: $30