If you are having thoughts of injuring yourself please contact the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255, available 24 hours a day.

Do you ever feel like you have been betrayed by your body? Do you feel lonely and unable to connect? Does the amount of stress you experience seem insurmountable? Have you failed to see sustainable change in your life even after years of support groups or talk-therapy?

At Family Support Services, we recognize the power and healing possibilities of yoga. FSS is sharing the healing power of yoga with survivors of trauma in our community through Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy (TIYT).

TIYT is a component of our Behavioral Health and Wellness Program, as well as an adjunctive treatment option to our sexual assault support group in the treatment of trauma and trauma-based symptomology.

Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy has been proven to reduce the stressful effects trauma has had on the body, mind, and spirit. This safe and gentle form of yoga promotes the ability to self-heal, self-soothe, and self-regulate, and reduces chronic anxiety and trauma-related issues. Trauma-informed yoga therapy is an evidence-based program developed from modern medical research and ancient yoga techniques.

Join our certified Trauma-Informed Yoga teacher Cynthia Gable, LMSW for a relaxing and gentle class created to heal and empower. No yoga experience is required to join this group. You will never be singled out and the utmost care is given to create a safe, calm and private environment for everyone.

Participating in Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy
Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy can be used independently, or as an adjunct to traditional counseling. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2015), a trauma-informed approach “seeks to actively resist re-traumatization”. In keeping with this philosophy, certified trauma-informed yoga therapists are mindful of triggers to prevent retraumatization; thus, the importance of their specialty training.

The beauty of this therapy is that it requires no prior experience. If you’ve never done yoga or you’re a pro yogi, you’re welcome in the class. Family Support Services TIYT instructor Cynthia Gable says “if you can breathe, you can do yoga”. The class environment, choice of positioning, and choice of words are all considered to create a safe environment for the participants. You will never be asked to do more than you’re ready to do.

What is the Impact of Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy

Research has found that a regular trauma-informed yoga practice effectively treats:
•Symptoms of Post- Traumatic Stress including feeling detached from the body
•Eating Disorder Issues
•Body Image Concerns
•Physical symptoms such as chronic pain and gastrointestinal issues
•Difficulties with emotional regulation
•Difficulties with self- control
•Isolation and disconnect from others

Class Times and Location
Classes are held at our main office- 7136 I-40 West Frontage Rd, Park West Building B, Amarillo on:
• Mondays at 5:30 pm
• Wednesdays at 6:15 pm (Spanish-speaking)
• Thursdays at noon
There is no charge for this class. To reserve your spot or for further details please contact:
Amy Hord @ (806) 342-2512 or